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WatermanSewage Treatment Plant used to treat sewage generated by hotels, Hospitals,Industries, Colonies, IT parks & Commercial Buildings, etc. We manufacture& assure usage of qualitative materials in fabricating Sewage TreatmentPlant up to industrial standards. STP plant treats the sewage to make it fitfor safe disposal, agricultural use or domestic use in toilets etc. It is easyto install & operate, & requires low maintenance cost. It helpsproviding the society with a clean healthy environment around them.
WatermanSTP uses three treatment stages Primary Treatment to remove all largeobject & grit, Secondary Treatment to remove suspended solid,collide particles & oil & grease particles with Aerobic & Anaerobictreatment, Tertiary Treatment includes processes like filtration, ionexchange, activated carbon
adsorption,electrodialysis, nitrification, and denitrification.